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Un•e artiste

Athena Papadopoulos

Insatiable Providers (Leg 1), 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Emalin - Non Fiction
Insatiable Providers (Leg 1), 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Emalin
  • Who ?
    1988, Toronto, Canada
  • What ?
  • Where ?
    Lives & works UK
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featuring a collaboration with Monster Coat Club, Shoot the Lobster, Wolf Whistles, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Emalin, London - Non Fiction
featuring a collaboration with Monster Coat Club, Shoot the Lobster, Wolf Whistles, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Emalin, London

L’oeuvre d’Athena Papadopoulos c’est l’amour et la violence, une alchimie parfaitement impossible tissée dans une esthétique qui mêle le surréalisme d’Unia Zürn, le féminisme d’Ana Mendieta, les fils d’Annette Messager et la dérision du muppetshow. Avec un propos féministe radical, l’artiste explore une oeuvre vicérale et sublimement dégoûtante.

The work of Athena Papadopoulos is love and violence, a perfectly impossible alchemy woven into an aesthetic that mixes the surrealism of Unia Zürn, the feminism of Ana Mendieta, the threads of Annette Messager and the derision of the muppetshow. With a radical feminist statement, the artist explores a vicious and sublimely disgusting work.

Burning Swallows a Well that Wallows, “Red Rail Red Rail”, 2018. Courtesy of the artist and Emalin, London. Photo credit: Plastiques - Non Fiction
Burning Swallows a Well that Wallows, “Red Rail Red Rail”, 2018. Courtesy of the artist and Emalin, London. Photo credit: Plastiques
Highway of Tears, 2019. Courtesy of the artist and Emalin, London. Photo credit: Plastiques - Non Fiction
Highway of Tears, 2019. Courtesy of the artist and Emalin, London. Photo credit: Plastiques
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