"Then the charm is firm and good"
Tiré du chant des sorcières de Macbeth de William Shakespeare, « Then the charm is firm and good » est une exposition imprimée réunissant le travail de 93 jeunes artistes internationaux qui explorent les imaginaires de l’occulte, la sorcellerie, le fantastique, le chamanisme, le sacré, le rêve, le mysticisme, bref qui questionnent la frontière entre le normal et l’étrange, le strict et le bizarre, et de manière plus générale qui interrogent le réel.
Taken from the witches’ song in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, « Then the charm is firm and good » is a printed exhibition bringing together the work of 93 young international artists who explore the imaginaries of the occult, witchcraft, the fantastic, shamanism, the sacred, dreams, mysticism, in short, who question the boundary between the normal and the strange, the strict and the bizarre, and in a more general way, who interrogate reality.